Winter’s Tread


(Photo: Stéphane Juban on Unsplash)


When the cold gripped hard

And pulled life from the sinews

Of the earth,

And when the wind screamed wild

Among the emptied branches


She’d seek the warm embrace

Of the inglenook’s fireplace

And write a book

Of summer’s heat

Inside her




For the dVerse quadrille poetry challenge: Inglenook


Simple Pleasures

cherrypicking SmadarHalperinEpshtein

Photo: Smadar Epshtein


“What does happiness mean,” she asked,

Her eyes round with the query

Of the lost

Awaiting to be


“It is the sun warming your skin,” he said,

His own eyes taking on the mist.

“And the unexpected sweetness

Of cherries on your




For the dVerse quadrille challenge: Happiness



Never Closed


Photo: Lynn Jordan on Unsplash


Shuttered windows did not


For all who lacked knew that

The door remained unlatched

The rusty locks, unfastened,

To let the needy enter

And rest their weary heads


Their huddled warmth

Steadfast in lieu of


Never closed from

The ancient inn.




For the dVerse poetry quadrille challenge: close



Eyes Aglow


Photo: Jez Timms on Unsplash


In the window


Shine from times long


As the fire


Warmed cold hands from the


And kids’ eyes

Filled with wonder

Twinkled joy in the


Elders, too

Filled with stories

Even they’re yet to


Lights aglow

Hope aflow.



For the dVerse quadrille challenge: glow



Preview Warmth

Preview Warmth NaamaYehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


Feel the midday

Glow expand

Sense the gently

Heated sand.

Dampened clothes,

Digging hands,

China they’re intent

To find.

Make the most

Of wonderland.

It previews warmth

So close behind.




For Terri’s Sunday Stills Challenge: Warmth



You’ve Been Warned

A song without words AtaraKatz

Photo: Atara Katz


To the fingers of winter

That are still

Gripping hold:

You have done all you could

To prevail with the cold

But it’s time

To move on

Summer’s soon

You’ve been warned …



For The Daily Post

Knit and Purl

Knit and purl

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


Knit the yarn

Click and purl

Weave and braid

Loop and curl

Blanket beds

Shelter heads

From the cold

Up ahead.



For The Daily Post

Spin a Yarn


Spin a yarn of wonder

Knit together words of hope

Cords of every color

Loop so hearts may cope.

Weave a warm new cover

From yarn old and fine

Find ways to discover

The love intertwined.



For The Daily Post


Hello Spring!

It is spring!

cherry blossom



The birds sing, and people walk around with the odd and gladdened smile of no-more-winter, raising eyes to the blue sky.

It is Spring!

The forsythia will bloom, the cherry trees will blossom, little buds will poke their heads up from the ground without a sound to boom a verdant glow.

It is Spring!

Nests will fill with fuzz and wooing birds and new twigs splendor, and perfect eggs will follow, curling hatchlings deep in dreams of endless worms.

It is Spring!

Open windows. Open jackets. Green grass reappearing under browning frost and bits of winter’s snow.

It is Spring!

Lambs will bleat, ducklings waddle, kids will scamper ‘cross new meadows, as their mothers languid, follow, sated by the younglings’ joy.

It is Spring!

Can you feel it? There’s a buzz, a distinct glitter. Light has changed–now amplified–and not only by the angle of the sun finally resuming duty, back to glory, hastening beauty.

It is Spring!

Don’t worry if some gray dreary days will come and try to turn the tide. Spring would not abide–it has come now, and it will forge paths in frozen soil to melt remaining cold.

Time’s come.

Winter has grown old. Its shift has ended. Spring sprung. Let’s welcome it aboard!

hello spring