Heads Up

Photo from Morguefile


“I never got a chance to get ready!” Tuttie moaned, trying helplessly to wriggle so her mane fell as it ought.

“Shush! I’m trying to watch.” Tussock grumbled.

“Tuttie, your tuft looks fine!” Tilly quipped.

“No, it doesn’t. It’s all blowing in the wind.” Tuttie retorted. She was ever so particular about the way her threads flowed.

“Of course it would move,” Tussock bristled and tried to stand in attention as the clouds flew on the breeze. “When has it ever not been windy here?” Tuttie was annoying, but it irritated him even more that Tilly always perked up to soothe her fussy sibling’s fronds. She should get s spine instead of bowing to every mood. And why did he have to get planted right between these two, anyway?

“You in the periphery, stop swaying like a bunch of leaflets and stand up taller.” Topknot’s voice meant business. “Heads up now. It is almost time.”

The assemblage quieted. It was time for the sun to cross the horizon at the top of the tallest tree. A yearly passing when their ancestors’ fluff could climb aboard the golden orb’s mighty ship, and be carried to their eternal rest beyond the sea.




For the Sunday Photo Fiction prompt



Squirrel Away

Central Park Squirrel AmitaiAsif

Photo: Amitai Asif


As cold wind blows

And worries grow,

Squirrel away

Soul sustenance

And stash fresh hope.

As harsh congeals

And harm leans close,

Squirrel away

Good words of heart:

They’ll help you cope.



For the RDP Sunday challenge: Squirrel


Turning In

Fall CentralPark NaamaYehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


As the cool nights


Snow draws near

And she pulls in.

The verdant hues of

Summer’s green,

Slowly replaced with

Sleep’s bronze




For the Festival of Leaves Challenge

For the Photo for the Week: Red


Messenger DvoraFreedman

Photo: Dvora Freedman


Above it soars,

Large feathers splayed,

A messenger

Of times ahead.

With blessings given,

Seasons’ change,

It rises

O’er the home range.



For Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: In flight


Pink Remembering

Pink park NaamaYehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


Spring recalls

How bushes previously bared

By frost and freeze,

Found a new lease

To bubble forth

A pink exuberance.

It is a good remembering

As fall emerges

To reclaim

The bushes’ leaves

Ahead of winter’s

Naked sleep.



For Pink: September Squares


Autumn’s Call

EarlyFall NaamaYehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


Trees will soon

Heed the call

To dress leaves

To enthrall

In the glorious


Foretelling cold

Yet to




For the Sunday Stills challenge: Autumn


You’ve Been Warned

A song without words AtaraKatz

Photo: Atara Katz


To the fingers of winter

That are still

Gripping hold:

You have done all you could

To prevail with the cold

But it’s time

To move on

Summer’s soon

You’ve been warned …



For The Daily Post