The Great Outdoors

The great outdoors NaamaYehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


There’s naught much more needed

To fill the heart with song,

Than the Great Outdoors

With loved ones along.




For Sunday Stills: The great outdoors




dream catchers OsnatHalperinBarlev

Photo: Osnat Halperin-Barlev


It has come to her before.

The message that had felt like lore

And made a home

Inside her core.

It ricocheted in her heart

Amidst the four walls

Of her soul.

Her spirit knew it,

And therefore,

She left her door open

For more.



For Linda Hill’s SoCS challenge: For/Fore/Four



Safe Angle

australia s.Levenberg4 bw

Photo: S. Levenberg


At the edge of the

Down Under

Where water angles

Into sea,

There’s an old pool

Where you safely

Hold the sharks at bay,

And be.



For Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Lines and angles


Future Gig

Photo Prompt © Ted Strutz


“One day my name will be up there,” Tommy declared.

Amy rolled her eyes, but he didn’t let her dismiss-your-sibling reflex offend him. She came with him, didn’t she?

“You’ll see,” he reiterated calmly.

He’s been practicing in front of the mirror ever since he’d seen the mime in the park two summers ago. And he’s been getting good. So much so he’d sometimes crack himself up mid-sequence. He was ready!

The talent show was in three hours. He’d used all his holiday and birthday money for the entrance fees. He had $10 left to his name.

“Hey, Sis, want pizza?”



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers


Fashion Statement

Fashion Statement Nicaragua InbarAsif

Photo: Inbar Asif


For some reason it seemed

This ensemble

Should work …

To select

Or object

Or someone’s cash

To collect.



For the One Word Sunday challenge: Fashion


Summer Stillness

CentralPark Peace NaamaYehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


Stop to breathe,

Take in ease,

Back to bark in

Summer breeze.

Shadow’s cool

City’s still,

In the park

Time to chill.



For the Sunday Stills challenge: Stillness


In Translation


Photo: Valentin Salja via unsplash


“You can’t do it.” Lizbeth scowled.

Betty shrugged a shoulder at her cousin and put the hand-bound manuscript in the box beside her.

“You’ll ruin it.”

“I won’t,” Betty countered. “I’ll be gentle.”

“That’s not what I meant!” Lizbeth folded her arms and planted her feet firmly on the dusty floor of their late aunt’s apartment. Her color rose. She was jealous but would never admit it.

Betty always got the best of everything: Summer camp, long visits with Aunt Mathilde, a degree in writing, even a dad who taught her Swedish.

“I’ll be gentle in my translation,” Betty caressed Aunt Mathilde’s poetry booklet. “Dad will help. Her words languished long enough without being read.”




For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Translation in 115 words



When She Leaves

shallow focus photography of brown tree trunk

Photo: Mahima on


When she leaves, there will be time enough for all the things that should have happened and yet didn’t. When she leaves, a space will open to allow what was yearned for but manifested not. When she leaves — in a week or month or year or decade — a leaf would turn to let the newness grow.

When she leaves.

Yet for the time being she remains.

She has no choice. Or not a real one.

She plods along the rutted path made by the heavy feet she’d dragged so many times before. She does what must be done. She smiles. She nods. She cooks. She holds.

She finds in every day a small reminder of the hope. A sliver of a dream. A memory of what is yet to come.

It sustains her.

It has to.

It’s all she has.

Until she leaves.




For the SoCS writing prompt: Leaves