One For The Way


(Photo: Dustin Humes on Unsplash)


She knew when she opened the window

That day

That it would be


For the way.

The frost on the petals

The chill in the air

The way that stray branches

Scraped against the stair.

The breath of new winter

Kissing her hair.




For the dVerse quadrille challenge: Way





He didn’t think much of the place at first. A chance to put his head down at night under more than just the stars or rain or ice. A plot of land to grow some food on. A space to store the crops and foraged goods that would hold him through those seasons when there was far less available that required far more effort to find.

The paperwork bequeathed him the abandoned croft and several boggy acres around it. The right to hunt and fish. The responsibility to repair and maintain the stone walls and the property, now a historical site, without altering the landscape.

“No villas, no mansions. No golf courses,” the solicitor had stated, only half in jest.

“No worries,” he’d answered.

All he ever needed was a room, a roof, a hearth.

And solitude.

For sanity.

Crowds made his belly flutter and his ears ring and his feet fidget with an ache for fleeing. The chatter made him cringe. The swift ticking of clocks made his heart skip some if its own beats.

The open spaces slowed his panic.

Calmed the bickering voices that would otherwise ricochet between his ears.

He built. He farmed. He slept. He woke. He walked.

He didn’t think much of the place at first. Then the old house became a home, the plot of land became his gem, and the hills became both fort and fortitude.

His very spirit soothed.




For Sue Vincent’s WritePhoto challenge – Welcome back, Sue, we missed you!

(Photo credit: Sue Vincent)





She lifted her face to the sun and felt the vibrant scents of waves and freedom fill her lungs. The whole of her relaxed as if on cue. Pre-programmed. Indelibly tuned in to the whoosh of ocean breath that she could not yet see but every cell within her remembered.

Her heart swelled and her chest rose, liberated.

The moment coursed through her in liquid satisfaction.

Surf. Ebb. Swish. Flow. Hiss. Sand-licking waves.

Another inhalation of the salty tang and behind her she could hear the sounds of other people readying to take the path from car-park to sand. A child protested. A man’s voice soothed. A door slammed. A moment later a discordant melody of feet clip-clopped onto the faded wooden slats, drumming a crescendo of expectation through her bare feet.

The beach.

A needed reprieve.

At home at last by the ocean where her soul had always lived.



For Crispina‘s Crimson’s Creative Challenge


Tucked In


Photo: Peter Oslanec on Unsplash


The voice of song

Lulled her to sleep

As wind whispered

Leaves into heaps.

Her mind soared on

A night’s journey’s sweep

As breathing slowed

And memories steeped.

Her body warm neath

Blankets soft and deep,

She sighed and found

A dream to keep.



For the dVerse poetry quadrille challenge: blanket



Garden Muse


Photo by Stella de Smit on Unsplash


She walked along the beds,

Hands trailing over stakes

Heavy with vines

And sugar snaps.

Orange peeked

From underneath green hats

Far too wild for small heads.

Blushing tomatoes danced

Cheek to cheek

With peppers.

She smiled.

The garden will make

Good salad




For the dVerse quadrille challenge



Favorite Place

ocean curl NaamaYehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


Of all scenes

And joys and sorrows,

Of all the steps

And breaths

And sense,

There is the ebb and flow

And stillness,

That makes this


My heart’s




For Sunday Stills: Places



Early Light

sunrise1 NaamaYehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda



The promise of day sweeps

Broad calm in its sway,

And the sun,

Rising gold

Lights new stories




For the Sunday Stills Photo Challenge: Early



A Sweet Moment

Sweet moment NaamaYehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


Take a pause

In the middle of a busy


To let calm

Wash down the toil, and sweetly stress





For Terri’s Sunday Stills: Sweet



Elysian Fields

Elysian Fields AmitaiAsif

Photo: Amitai Asif


“There is no need to die,”

He stretched his long legs

And sighed,

“To experience bliss

In the here

In the now.

We need only


She leaned back

And exhaled

What should have long been


As the breeze kissed

Her cheeks,

She prepared to be


In the Eden on Earth

Of Elysian fields.



For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Elysian in 56 words



Eyes Aglow


Photo: Jez Timms on Unsplash


In the window


Shine from times long


As the fire


Warmed cold hands from the


And kids’ eyes

Filled with wonder

Twinkled joy in the


Elders, too

Filled with stories

Even they’re yet to


Lights aglow

Hope aflow.



For the dVerse quadrille challenge: glow