To Sea

Ocean Vistas AdiRosenZvi

(Photo: Adi Rosen-Zvi)


They headed out

To sea,

Amid the rocky islands

Peppering the vista

As far as the eye

Could see.

And their hearts rejoiced

In the beauty

Of their spree.




For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Challenge: Vista in 29 words


Red Moon Riding


Photo: Niklas Priddat on Unsplash


She let the shudder travel from the roots of her hair to the nape of her neck and down her spine to the place where the calving of her body started. The skin on the small of her back awoke. She sighed.

It wasn’t the chill in the air that had her trembling, even though the breeze could explain the raised goosebumps on her skin. It was the vista that had shaken her. And the memories it sought.

Oh, this was a different place. A different time. Yet somehow these still were the same sky where a red moon rides on the humps of the low river hills spreading below it. Transporting her. The earth roiled under a tapestry of dark and starlight, of shade and voids and hidden stars. Her breath drowned in wonder and sorrow: for lost beginnings, for hopes come dawn.




Prosery Prompt: “a red moon rides on the humps of the low river hills” (Carl Sandburg’s Jazz Fantasia)

For the dVerse Prosery challenge

Wild Places

Ethiopia OfirAsif11

Photo: Ofir Asif


Find wild places inside your


Where vistas stretch

Your heart.

Climb peaks you did not know


Let freedom

Joy impart.




For the Lens-Artist Challenge: Wild



Peru Proud

Peru Portrait AmitaiAsif

Photo: Amitai Asif


There she stands,



By the land

That mountains birthed,

And the knowledge

Of the power

That she holds

Through Mother Earth.



For the Photo for the Week Challenge: portrait