Wild Places

Ethiopia OfirAsif11

Photo: Ofir Asif


Find wild places inside your


Where vistas stretch

Your heart.

Climb peaks you did not know


Let freedom

Joy impart.




For the Lens-Artist Challenge: Wild



A Journey’s Blessing

Ethiopia14 DvoraFreedman

Photo: Dvora Freedman


As you take the journey home,

May there be a light

To guide you.

As you take the journey home,

May all that’s necessary

Be with you.

As you take one step

After another,

May the energies

Sustain you.

And when you finally

Reach home,

May loving arms and hearts

Embrace you.




For Wits End Weekly Photo Challenge: The Journey Home



The Chief’s Command

Ethiopia OfirAsif12

Photo: Ofir Asif


“They are not welcome here,” the Chief decreed.

His eyes regarded the troop that was his to protect. The land was plentiful, but his soul recalled the stories of Times of Famine, when many had been reduced to skin and bone and many more had died. Legend had it that The Others had brought it on, had taken more than was their share, and angered rain from falling, seeds from growing.

He sensed Bannu’s discontent. Chiefs didn’t have to grant permission for anyone’s opinion. Life showed him, however, that good Chiefs balanced silencing with persuading.

“Bannu?” he grunted.

“What if they return with more of their kind?” The youngster’s sparse ruff bristled apprehension.

The Chief nodded. Foresight was rare. The youth had potential. It also made him someone to watch out for.

“If they challenge us,” the Chief bared teeth and growled an answer and a warning. “We fight.”



For What Pegman saw: Ethiopia


Stepped Up Conversation

Ethiopia11 DvoraFreedman

Photo: Dvora Freedman


What did she want in that bottle?

What did the store owner allow?

Did her friend understand why it mattered

And how?

Did her own yellow sandals

That fit only sort of

Used to hang in the window

In a bag from above?

What words did they exchange?

Did the girl smile or sigh?

I look at this photo and wonder

What she had asked to buy.



For V.J.’s Weekly Challenge #10: Conversation



Ethiopia9 DvoraFreedman

Photo: Dvora Freedman


What thoughts are swathed

Under your wrap?

What life

What pain

Your brows speak of?

Your eyes avert

But hearts respond:

You’re seen

You’re heard

Becloaked or not.



For The Daily Post

Location, Location, Location

Ethiopia4 DvoraFreedman

Photo: Dvora Freedman


In spite of crowded quarters

There evidently is a draw

To hanging

One’s own nest

In environs of unquestioned





For The Daily Post

Mismatched Delight

Ethiopia mismatch DvoraFreedman

Ethiopia (Photo: Dvora Freedman)


Silt and mud, oozy streets

Too much fun

To resist.

Mismatched shoes

Do not blight

Sludgy mushy





For The Daily Post