Tropical Trio

KoSamui Storm1 NaamaYehuda

Ko Samui Tropical Trio 1; Photo: Naama Yehuda

KoSamui Strom2 NaamaYehuda

Ko Samui Tropical Trio 2; Photo: Na’ama Yehuda

KoSamui Storm3 NaamaYehuda

Ko Samui Tropical Trio 3; Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


As the storm rolled in

And rain took hold,

Mountains cowered

Under fog.



Note: The above photos were taken within minutes of each other last August in Thailand, as I took an afternoon walk on the beach and a fast-moving tropical storm sped in and essentially cloaked the mountains.

For Nancy Merrill’s Photo a Week Challenge: Three of a kind


Peru Proud

Peru Portrait AmitaiAsif

Photo: Amitai Asif


There she stands,



By the land

That mountains birthed,

And the knowledge

Of the power

That she holds

Through Mother Earth.



For the Photo for the Week Challenge: portrait


Under Cloudy Skies

clouded naamayehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


Mountains brood

Under skies

Packed with cotton

Piled high

Wrapped in shadows

Near by.


In Chiang Mai.



For the Wits-End Weekly Photo Challenge: Under Cloudy Skies