


She lifted her face to the sun and felt the vibrant scents of waves and freedom fill her lungs. The whole of her relaxed as if on cue. Pre-programmed. Indelibly tuned in to the whoosh of ocean breath that she could not yet see but every cell within her remembered.

Her heart swelled and her chest rose, liberated.

The moment coursed through her in liquid satisfaction.

Surf. Ebb. Swish. Flow. Hiss. Sand-licking waves.

Another inhalation of the salty tang and behind her she could hear the sounds of other people readying to take the path from car-park to sand. A child protested. A man’s voice soothed. A door slammed. A moment later a discordant melody of feet clip-clopped onto the faded wooden slats, drumming a crescendo of expectation through her bare feet.

The beach.

A needed reprieve.

At home at last by the ocean where her soul had always lived.



For Crispina‘s Crimson’s Creative Challenge



boy with sea SmadarHalperinEpshtein

Photo: Smadar Halperin-Epshtein


Listing favorites can take days,

Shuffled as they are in time and space,

But here are a few that my spirit

Will always embrace:

Beach and surf,

Little toes,

The peal of

Children’s laughter,

A good tale, a new book,

And loved ones

To look after.



For Cee’s Share Your World: July 23 2018


Ocean Ohm

ocean breath NaamaYehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


As the world tilts between breath

And release,

As the sea ebbs and flows

Into peace,

I remember my core

The heartbeat

Of my soul,

Batteries filled again

Making my spirit




For Cee’s Share Your World



Walk This Way

Ein Pit OsnatHalperinBarlev

Photo: Osnat Halperin-Barlev


Walk this way

To the water

Where the goats

Cleared a path.

Walk this way

Where the feet

Of the ancients

Have passed.

Walk this way

Little brother

I will give you

My hand.

Walk this way

And together

Our adventures




For Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge