Have Your Fill

budding NaamaYehuda (2)

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


Fill your eyes with the budding

Potential of life as it bounds

To the surface, bursting forth,

A force to be reckoned, with a sigh

Of tremulous


Fill your heart with the tenderest

New things, which will bloom

In your soul

Deep within.




For the dVerse quadrille challenge: fill


Safe Haven

toddler sleeping while sucking pacifier

Photo: John Finkelstein on Pexels.com


She closed her eyes

And drifted,


Through the safe haven

Of warm arms,

And dreamed of


And coos

And sun,

And all the smiles

That feed

Her heart

And mind.




For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Haven in 32 words



Delicate AmitaiAsif

Photo: Amitai Asif


She flitted gently by his head.

The slight bow noted, the sorrow that was there

But perhaps not heard.


She knew he had to hold himself up

All this time

That it was the only way

He’d learned.

And yet she could discern the hidden

Effort that it took

To rise against the gravity,

In times where drought of hope


Again and again and again.


She understood the energy required for

Making the Herculean appear effortless,

To constantly correct

The wobble under

Winds and strain.


She hovered for a moment

Letting a space of permission


Before she landed, feather-weighted and,


On his chest.



For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Delicate in 106 words


When You Do

wedding1 SmadarHalperinEpshtein (2)

Photo via Smadar Halperin-Epshtein


In the moments when your eyes


Under canopies of cloth

Or sun

Or stars,

And the world recedes to

Nothing but

Who the both of you


When your


Seals with


Ringed with hopes and tender


May you both know

That you do

And that your love

Can nurture




For Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Tender moments



The Cutest Seal-Pup Rescue

The tenderness and adorableness factor of this video were just impossible to not want to share …

So glad these good people rescued this baby (even if they did at first think he was a girl … that’s okay … I don’t think the pup minded, with them making sure he was comfy and treating him ever so gently).

May tenderness lead the way.

May compassion to all being override hate, denial, apathy, and ignorance.



May tenderness infuse your heart

In every turn you take

May warmth envelope every day

And soften all your cares

May awe and joy flow in your soul

Like sunbeams in the air

May your see caring, everywhere.

It is already there.








A Giraffe’s Goodbye

Sharing a lovely story that touched my heart and underscores tenderness and care.

We often underestimate the ability of animals–especially wild animals–to make connections and to express compassion. When they display affection, it can surprise us. Every time.

Empathy, connection, and memory of sensitive care are often associated with apes and elephants, dolphins and whales, even lions, but not very often with giraffes … Giraffes are more commonly known for their vicious kick than for their tenderness for humans … Though here they are, ‘kissing’ and nuzzling a terminally ill zoo worker who cared for them most of his adult life. They recognized him, and in their own way these lumbering and potentially deadly animals, came to say a gentle goodbye.


Read the story at the Independent here!