Seeking Silver Linings

Looking up NaamaYehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


It wasn’t about giving up. It was about silver linings.

Or about looking for them. At least.

Better than seeing the mess inside her mother’s house. The junk that kept arriving, accumulating, suffocating. Better than listening to the endless arguments between her parents. Or to the cries of the neighbor from across the street. The police there every other week. Mostly on payday, when the neighbor’s husband was drunk. Fancy neighborhood. Broken lives.

So, she curled up by the window, eyes to the sky, watching fluffy clouds drifting by.

Perhaps the silver lining will ride in on the next one.



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers (I mean, how could I NOT participate when Rochelle chose to use one of my photos today?! Happy, healthy, and a BETTER 2021, everyone! And to all the children in homes-of-crisis: Hang in there, it gets better, you are worth it, you are seen!)


Under Cloudy Skies

clouded naamayehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


Mountains brood

Under skies

Packed with cotton

Piled high

Wrapped in shadows

Near by.


In Chiang Mai.



For the Wits-End Weekly Photo Challenge: Under Cloudy Skies



Balcony SmadarHalperinEpshtein (2)

Photo: Smadar Halperin-Epshtein


From shade onto sunlight

From old bricks

To plastered walls,

She gazed out

To the terrace

And a horizon

Pregnant with





For Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge



Fleecy Sky

fleece sky OrlyFuchsGalchen

Photo: Orly Fuchs Galchen


When the clouds

Wrap the heavens

With fleece specs

Lined to dry,

Will the skies

Warm the living

With dappled light

From on high?



For the Lens-Artist Photo Challenge: Look up