A Work Of Art



“Grand, isn’t it?”

Grand indeed, Sebastian nodded, too distracted by the elegant turn and glowing skin of Maruska’s neck to care about the stained glass in the ceiling.


Sebastian averted his eyes skyward and felt warmth rise under his collar to color his cheeks. The realization made him blush harder. He hated how his face became an open book.

Get a grip! he admonished himself. She’s taken! In fact, they were waiting for Alexander to join them. The rock on her ring was surely intended to outshine any other splendor.

“A work of art,” Sebastian murmured. And meant it.



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers

Photo: © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


A Morning’s Weave


(Photo: Anant Chandra on Unsplash)


As Sun rose

In the east

It darned

A web of light upon

The leaves,

And sprinkled gold on

Spiders’ orbs

That dangled from

The eaves.


The artist watched the dawn

And breathed.

For though her heart


She knew her fingers

Do not have the skill

To tessellate this wonder

Into the mosaic that

Her soul





For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Tessellate in 58 words


Blending In

Photo prompt: © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


She knew from the moment she walked in that she was way out of her league. Her virgin palette was blinding amidst the well-worn, paint-that-will-never-come-off-anymore held by others. She felt blush suffuse her face and an even deeper shame at raised eyebrows and feigned disinterest. Apparently she did not even warrant curiosity. An outsider. A wannabe.

She almost up and left.

But she’d saved for months to afford the class, and she spent her last on paints and brushes.

The need to create pulsed in her blood.

She stood her ground.

Blending in or sticking out, she’d stay. She’ll paint.



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers




paphos mosaic1 SmadarHalperinEpshtein

Photo: Smadar Halperin-Epshtein


Not a rug

But a floor

You’ll be floored

To adore

As you find

Even more

To marvel



paphos mosaic3 smadarhalperinepshtein

Photo: Smadar Halperin-Epshtein



For the Tuesday Photo Challenge: Floor


Horse Spirit

Photo: Palaeolithic art at Foz Côa’s Archaeological Park, Portugal 


“Why do you hit the rock with sharpened stones?”

Golin quaked under The Elder’s frown. It was forbidden to harm The Rocks That Shelter. The big stones protected them from biting teeth and snarling maws. They stopped the wind. They held back scorching sun. They reflected heat from fires.

And let flames paint shadows, Golin thought.

“He will drive away Horse Spirit and we will starve,” Morsen scowled predictably.

“Let him answer,” The Elder said.

Morsen seethed. The old man always favored Golin.

“The Rocks That Shelter do not anger when the fire lives in them,” Golin pointed at the dancing reflection on the wall.

“He makes no sense,” Morsen pouted. A few others nodded but The Elder’s stony gaze did not leave Golin’s face.

“They draw the fire near,” Golin stressed. Couldn’t they see? “Perhaps The Rocks That Shelter will welcome Horse Spirit and call it here.”



For What Pegman Saw: Douro, Portugal


Museum Muse

Vienna museum SmadarHalperinEpshtein

Photo: Smadar Halperin-Epshtein


Where the muse

Fills the senses

‘Afore first step


The gestalt


To avow

Art’s in store.



For the One Word Sunday Challenge: Muse




Mountain Mural

Cuba7 InbarAsif

Photo: Inbar Asif


One night when the moon was bright

Elves brought brushes in the night

And they painted till the morn

Stories that the rocks adorn

For the humans to remind

Of what should not be left behind.



For Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Mural



A Fountain’s Woes

blow SmadarHalperinEpshtein (2)

Photo: Smadar Halperin-Epshtein


Through summer’s heat or winter’s snows

He stony-faced

Nonetheless blows

A flow of life

That never slows.

The step of people passing by

Is all he knows.



For Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge


Absolutely beautiful! Tribute Art — Steve McCurry’s Blog

Take a few moments to click on the link below to Steve McCurry’s blog and you will NOT be disappointed. This is a lovely, lovely tribute to his photography, and to the talent of the artists who’d sent in their arts-based-on-photo.


It is a great privilege when other artists send us their own works based on my pictures. It is a wonderful affirmation of the strength and dignity shown on the faces of these people around the world. Nidhi Kakar, India Rukiye Demirci, Turkey Rukiye Demirci Unknown Artist Lana Frye, United States Rodrigo Caldas, Brazil Lana […]

via Tribute Art — Steve McCurry’s Blog