Unyielding Stone

Vienna palace SmadarHalperinEpshtein (3)

Photo: Smadar Halperin-Epshtein


Never quite able to move beyond the yearning,

Formed into a pose

Between desire and


They are frozen, sculptured into something

That cannot become reality

Despite constant striving,

Their despair exposed

At a heartless ornamental pond.

Still their eyes do not the silent gaze drop.

Even as their hands are

Locked away from the ability to


Set in stone they are forever reaching

For an embrace

That cannot





For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Sculpture in 71 words


A Fountain’s Woes

blow SmadarHalperinEpshtein (2)

Photo: Smadar Halperin-Epshtein


Through summer’s heat or winter’s snows

He stony-faced

Nonetheless blows

A flow of life

That never slows.

The step of people passing by

Is all he knows.



For Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge