Still Summer

(Photo by Sam Marx on Unsplash)


It seems as though you are still summer:

The leaves still green atop your trees

Waves still warm inside your eyes

Sunrise haze in your sky

Sunset late to bed

As sleep lights in

Your soft breath





NONET prompt: “It seems as though you are still summer” (Merwin)

For dVerse poetic 9




Morning Calm

Morning calm KoSamui NaamaYehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


Soft ripples spread

Like ribbons of


As morning heads

Toward shimmering





For Sunday Stills: Calm

Note: The photo was taken in Ko Samui, Thailand, on an August morning.  It was sublime.


Home Idyll

Belize InbarAsif

Photo: Inbar Asif


She leaned against the painted wall and exhaled a sigh of relief.

She was finally home. Hardship over. She was free. All was going to be as she needed it to be.

The freshly laundered whites fluttered in the sea breeze and the rush of waves sang in her ears. A dun puppy yipped at a bird. The baby slept at her feet.

“Have you eaten?” Grandmama called, a loving voice on the wind.

“I’m coming,” she smiled and bent to lift the bassinet.




For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Idyll in 84 words


Walk This Way

Ein Pit OsnatHalperinBarlev

Photo: Osnat Halperin-Barlev


Walk this way

To the water

Where the goats

Cleared a path.

Walk this way

Where the feet

Of the ancients

Have passed.

Walk this way

Little brother

I will give you

My hand.

Walk this way

And together

Our adventures




For Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge



boy with dog
Photo: Atara Katz

Let your mind weigh anchor.

Oblige your soul to sail.

Release the mooring of your thoughts.

Set your heart free.

Let your spirit





For The Daily Post (5/22)

For The Daily Post