Just A Crack


Photo: Andrew Buchanan on Unsplash


“It is just a crack,” she said,

“A splinter off of perfection.”

‘Twas more than that, she understood,

Knowing what effort it exacted of her

To keep her direction,

To balance scales just so

They did not tip life

And hope

Into utter disconnection.




For the dVerse quadrille challenge: Crack



On Delicate Wings

On delicate wings NaamaYehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


What had happened to you

In the short life

You knew?

Your wings’ rhythm


To a drum



Your beauty imbued

By what could life


You flit on right


Gloriously determined,

To be you,

To be you.





For the Sunday Stills challenge: A bug’s life



A Fleeting Equilibrium

balancing rock formation

Photo: Tina Nord on Pexels.com


She held her breath and waited for the instant

In time

Where Earth’s equator passed through

The center of the sun.

Imperfectly balanced

As it was

By arcs and tilt and latitudes,

She cared not about

The argument that it could never be

In ideal form,

Or that the exact timing


With convictions

And perceptions of the mind.

She paused nonetheless,


To witness the fleeting equilibrium

Of light and dark,

And the shift of balance

That it could,

perhaps today, allow.




For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Equinox in 83 words


Stacked Up

prepared AmitaiAsif

Photo: Amitai Asif


They’d split and stacked

A fortress,

Yet left one

Round and fine

Out of line

Blocking sun.

Mayhap to trick evil eyes

Lest perfected design

Impels the next cord




For Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge


Life Shambolic

executive bored room

Photo: Pinterest


In the messy path of life

Dreams flurry in

Goals exhale partly out,

And in the lovely expectation

Of more order

In a few,

Lives the absolute prediction

That periodic tangle

Will ensue.



For The Daily Post


Cuba11 InbarAsi

Photo: Cuba, Inbar Asif


My immediate association to today’s word prompt of “Elastic ” was about the dire need for more flexibility. How important it is we be able to curl our mind around the bend of preconception so we can appreciate beyond “our idea of beautiful” or “our opinion of correctness.” It’s become fashionable to be rigidly unyielding, to confront instead of listen, to seek conformity instead of be accommodating.

As if acceptability lives by a single yardstick and Photoshop.

We cover over imperfections. We discard or deny any marring exists. We seek the shiny new. People get judged more by their circumstance of birth than by how pliable their hearts are or how truly resilient they have proven to be in holding on to kindness even in the face of oh-so-much that wasn’t.

As I wrote this a notification appeared for Steve McCurry’s post about the “Art of Imperfection” and the power of Wabi-Sabi — the Japanese practice of finding harmony and beauty in what is simple, natural, and modest, where transience and imperfection are part of the aesthetic. How perfectly apt.

Here’s to beauty in the marred.




For The Daily Post