

(Photo: Johnny Cohen on Unsplash)


The sound began

A whisper,

Only to crescendo to

A cry

That made the very



In eerie


Of pain.





For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Eerie in 24 words


Steps Away


“We’ll carry you,” they said.

“It’s only steps away.”

The breeze blew memories of salt and sand and spray.

She raised her finger.

In her mind.

For the one that lay atop the sheets no longer knew

To move.

And yet

It was okay.

Because they understood quite perfectly

What she wanted

To say.

The gladness in her eyes.

The gift

Of yet another


“We’ll carry you,” they said.

Strong arms linked

As her heart thumped

In time to

The gentle sway.

It was only a few steps

To the water.

To the breathing

Gray surf

Of the bay.




For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers

Photo prompt © CEAyr


By Design


Photo by Aditya Wardhana on Unsplash


Perhaps it is, really,

By design

Where we are born

And how we live

And how and when and why

We die.


Perhaps it is

By fate,

That we can love

And we can laugh

And dream

And struggle to let go

Of hate.


Perhaps we’re each

A stitch

In the tapestry

Of an overarching


(That we do

Or do not



Yet still the truth


That our strength is

Bound to fail at

The weakest


And that we each have a

Part in

Whether we


Or shred

The possibilities





For RDP Sunday: Design

And just for fun, also for Terri’s Sunday Stills: Yellow


The Light On

Photo: Sue-Z


They left the corner light on at night.

A habit.

A ritual.

An understanding.

The stone path had been there before they bought the property, and the remains of a lantern post. It was right where they’d wanted a vegetable garden, and so at first the plan was to plow the area clear and remove the slabs and pebbles.

But then the hoe broke.

And then the belt on the mower.

And then there was the matter of their daughter’s bellowing every time they tried to work on that part of the yard.

She was barely two at the time. Not quite talking. And yet she managed to throw “No! No!” tantrums and pull at their clothing and plop herself in utter-toddler-dejection right onto where they aimed to work.

“You best give up,” their neighbor nodded her warty chin, sage eyes not unkind in understanding.

It was the Fair Ones, she explained. They had their own paths. Their own energy highways.

“The ancients had marked it. To hold space and to deter the mischief. It is easier. And the young ones can still see.”

They left the light on.

Repaired the path.

Moved the vegetable garden.

Life was better calm.




For Sunday Photo Fiction



Epoch’s End

sunset Ramon Crater AmitaiAsif

Photo: Amitai Asif


As her eyes finally


And her breath

Not returned,

She knew

What awaited her


‘Round the bend:

A new journey


Life beyond

Epoch’s end.




For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Epoch in 27 words

Note: Dedicated to all who face the final journey … and thus to all … for we all would. May we walk life’s path the way we can and should.


Sisters Of This Earth And Sky

Friendship Craft DiklaNachmias

Photo: Dikla Nachmias


Ladies of the borrowed time,

Mistresses of undemanding,

Mothers bearing down the twine

To faithful understanding,

Sisters of this Earth and sky,

Daughters threading needles of

Life verifying,

Girls who hearts ignore —

I hear you roar.

Do know:

Together we’ll weave words

From crying.



For the dVerse quadrille challenge: roar





dream catchers OsnatHalperinBarlev

Photo: Osnat Halperin-Barlev


It has come to her before.

The message that had felt like lore

And made a home

Inside her core.

It ricocheted in her heart

Amidst the four walls

Of her soul.

Her spirit knew it,

And therefore,

She left her door open

For more.



For Linda Hill’s SoCS challenge: For/Fore/Four



They Bowed

Photo prompt: Sue Vincent


“They bow, you see,” Mir explained.

The child held on silently to his hand.

Mir peered down at the small head, so uncharacteristically still, the red curls shining like molten gold under the sun.

The quiet lingered and Mir did not break it. More words would not change how there was only so much one could say about some things.

A bird fleeted close. A bee buzzed by. Somewhere a donkey brayed and a dog’s bark answered.

Still the child did not move.

Mir let the air in and out of his lungs mark the passage of time, even as he knew it would not be measured in the same way by the child. Nor would it matter. Time is rarely what it seems to be, anyhow.

The air shimmered. The scent of smoke wafted from someplace beyond the fields, and in it mixed the faintest hints of manure and baking bread.

A caterpillar inched its way atop a blade of grass.

“There is no wind,” the child finally noted.

“There is not,” Mir confirmed.

“Are they tied together?”

“They are holding limbs.”

The child looked at her own hand in her grandfather’s. She did not look up, but Mir could feel the connection being made as it wove a thread of understanding between the two of them, between them all.

A hush fell. Then a sudden breeze rippled through the field and whistled an unnamed sound as it passed through the stacks. The tips nodded.

The child bowed back.




For Sue Vincent’s Thursday Photo Prompt: Wicker


Go Below

Go Below AmitaiAsif

Photo: Amitai Asif


Go below

The surface

Of the things you know

And into hollows

That are there, but

You have not yet


To grow.



For the Tuesday Photo Challenge: Surface


Time To Unlock

the old city3 OsnatHalperinBarlev

Photo: Osnat Halperin-Barlev


Morning bells reverberated in the ancient alleyways, echoing against well-worn stone.

He rose to make his way from the humble room he slept in, to the place of worship his soul knew as his actual home.

The Old City of Jerusalem. The holy place named for harmony, recompense, greeting, and – with hopes for higher roads to be achieved – for wholeness, safety, and peace.



For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Unlock in 63 words