Turning Up


(Photo: Brett Jordan on Unsplash)


There had to be a way

To be heard,

Without becoming

What they fought


They refused to condone



Or putting others down

To make a point.


They turned up

A crescendo

Of truths.





For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Crescendo in 37 words


In Opposition


(Photo: Liam Edwards on Unsplash)


They stood in opposition to

Those infatuated

By the asinine,

Those energized by contempt,

Reveling in hate.

They stood in opposition to

The denial of reality

And the dismissal of


And science

And pain

And death.

They cast ballots in opposition to

Ineptitude upheld as


And insults as

Saving face.

They linked

Metaphorical arms

In solidarity with


And hope

In possibility of

Reclaiming faith.

To show their children

That voice




For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Asinine in 74 words



Hearts’ Hum


Photo: Koshu Kunii on unsplash


No humdrum moment.

No silent pause

Or rest.

The tempo of the chanting


As crowds flow

And crest.


They march to call

The winds

Of change

To come,

And heed the soul

As hearts’ pain


And drums

The need for

Better times.




For the dVerse quadrille poetry challenge: drum




Lambaste Injustice


I'm With Her - NaamaYehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda; NYC


There are times when to pummel

A wrongness with words

Is a must.

If another is silenced

And their voice thrown

To dust,

Then lambasting the cruelty

Is the way to be



(Note: Photo taken today at the Families Belong Together March in NYC)


Merriam-Webster’s word for June 30, 2018:


This post continues the blogging challenge in which Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day, serves as inspiration a-la the “Daily Prompt.”

Want to join me? Feel free to link to this post on your blog, and/or post a link to your blogpost in the comment section below so others can enjoy it, too. Poetry, photography, short stories, anecdotes: Go for it!

For more visibility, tag your post with #WordOfDayNY, so your post can be searchable.

“Follow” me if you want to receive future prompts, or just pop in when you’re looking for inspiration. Here’s to the fun of writing and our ever-evolving blogging community!


Willy-Nilly Trouble


V2, Ohio


When the world appears to lose an axis

And takes a haphazardly dive toward a

Wannabe regime,

It is high time to hold steady

And unequivocally confirm,

That racist hate and violence

Reflect the morally infirm

While equality and compassion

Are what’s truly supreme.




For The Daily Post