


(Photo: The NYPL on unsplash)


They didn’t plan to bring

With them

A legion of


They only wished

To find,

For their

Loved ones,

A measure of


A new home where

They could

Be safe.




For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Legion in 32 words


Lady In Waiting


(Photo: Na’ama Yehuda)


If he could make it there, he’d make it anywhere.

It was the axiom he had placed everything on.

He held on to the promise when his body hurt from beatings. He played the image of it in his mind when emptiness of heart and stomach kept him from shut-eye. He whispered small encouragements to himself to drown the insults that insisted he was nothing.

For he was. Someone.

He had to believe.

The words she said.

About where he could be.


If he lived.

So he did.

And lit beneath storm clouds, she stood, waiting.

For the day.




For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers (Thank you for using my photo as a prompt this week!)


A Slowly Fraying Memory


Photo: Free-to-use-sounds, on Unsplash



From the hollows of despair, they fled.

The shirts on their backs and the children

In their arms, all they could manage to


Even the abysmal shelters they had recently

Been made to call


No longer gave any protection or

A chance at repair or


They left, dodging death and finding

Further fright to


And in their hearts they held on


To the slowly fraying


Of days when life was softer

And beds were warm,

And babies slept

Well kept

Safe from war and hate and



For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Abysmal in 93 words

Note: Dedicated to all displaced, terrorized, pressed, oppressed, persecuted persons everywhere, and to the many millions who had, throughout history and in recent memory and in today’s times, been forced to further risk their lives by leaving what had once been home and safety behind, for the unknown.




Photo: Kelli Tungay on Unsplash


He couldn’t bring himself to tell her.

Instead he left breadcrumbs. Glowing pebbles on a midnight road.

Receipts. ‘Forgotten’ notes. His boots in the garage, muddy though the yard was not.

Liminal clues in hope she ask him where he goes …

Refugees sheltering in the woods.

Perhaps she already knows.

The mud this morning on her shoes.




For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Challenge: Liminal in 57 words



Lost Glory

Photo prompt: © J Hardy Carroll


“Did they tell you what you’d find there?”

Vince shook his head. His eyes sought the window and rose along the flagpole to its top. The silence lingered.

“No,” the Veteran said quietly. “We’d heard rumors, of course, but nothing could’ve prepared us for the conditions there.”

He took a deep breath. His hand tightened around his cup and his eyes remained glued to the flag outside. “People crammed into cold, bare rooms. Without necessaries. Not even a place to sleep. Frightened, sick children. Belligerent guards. I’m ashamed, Son. The flag I fought under now flies over American concentration camps.”



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers



I Will Leave The Light On

LandOfGods20 InbarAsif

Photo: Inbar Asif


I will leave the light on

For you and those still lost.

I will leave the light on

For nights when stars hide most.

I will leave the light on

Even if some say I’m wrong.

I will leave the light on

So you know that you belong.

I will leave the light on

During storms and gale and snow.

I will leave the light on

Just so you see and know.



For Six Word Saturday


Night Light

nightlight1 AmitaiAsif

Photo: Amitai Asif


“Almost there!” she sighed.

What had been an orange halo of illumination at the horizon of their climb finally crystalized into evidence of habitation.

She could hear Merri’s labored breath behind her.

“Not long now,” she cajoled to mask her wariness.

Will they be welcomed or will they be turned out again? The other two places were small towns. This was a big city. Perhaps they could blend in. Hide in plain sight.



For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Illumination in 73 words


Relative Safety

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


“Should be safe to rest here,” Ron lowered Percy’s carrier. The straps left red gouges on his shoulders. The boy was too big to be carried but we had to leave the wheelchair behind.

Ron rolled his neck, glanced at the underpass’s puddle, and reached for the tablets. “I’ll purify some water.”

“Will they find us, Mama?” Percy put words to my heartache. He’d endured silently through miles of jarring terrain.

“We’ve been careful,” I looked into his worried eyes as I massaged the contracted limbs. “Also, new laws or not, we won’t let you be taken by Leave-Only-Abled-Children raids.”



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers

Lambaste Injustice


I'm With Her - NaamaYehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda; NYC


There are times when to pummel

A wrongness with words

Is a must.

If another is silenced

And their voice thrown

To dust,

Then lambasting the cruelty

Is the way to be



(Note: Photo taken today at the Families Belong Together March in NYC)


Merriam-Webster’s word for June 30, 2018:


This post continues the blogging challenge in which Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day, serves as inspiration a-la the “Daily Prompt.”

Want to join me? Feel free to link to this post on your blog, and/or post a link to your blogpost in the comment section below so others can enjoy it, too. Poetry, photography, short stories, anecdotes: Go for it!

For more visibility, tag your post with #WordOfDayNY, so your post can be searchable.

“Follow” me if you want to receive future prompts, or just pop in when you’re looking for inspiration. Here’s to the fun of writing and our ever-evolving blogging community!


Can You Hear?

Can you hear the hearts that beat

across the mountains, deserts, oceans

hoping for safe harbor,

an anchor


Can you see small fingers gripping

other little hands

bereft of parents,



Can you hear the soft breaths

of babies


in tired arms

weighted by


violence, hate, war?

Can you hear the calls

in dreams

in prayer

for safe passage

for a welcome

to belong?

Can you —

how can you not —


the urgency

of hope

that hardship snuffed

and yet


yearns to grow?



Photo by express.co.uk



For the Daily Post