Quite Simply


Photo: Zane Lee on Unsplash


“Quite simply,” she said,

“The very times when some in power

Are seeking to perplex you,

Are the times when you best make sure

That you are not at all confused.”


“For when what should be simple

Is deliberately made unclear,

And what’s logical is spun

Cheaply to cost dear,

It ought to signal your eyes

To remain widely open,

And your ears to insist on holding only

To the truth.”


She sighed and touched the blue print

Faded on her arm,

Seared like yesterday

In her heart and mind.




For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Challenge: Perplex in 90 words




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Photo: Imgbuddy.com


If you disfigure truth

So far that

Facts no longer

Recognize their own face

In your mirror,

You have transgressed

Beyond white lies

To become

A grotesque interferer.


Merriam-Webster’s word for July 9, 2018:


This post continues the blogging challenge in which Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day, serves as inspiration a-la the “Daily Prompt.”

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