Maybe So

Photo prompt: Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


“I wish I could show you the Menorah, Papa!”

“I wish so, too, Leah!”

“Shall I describe it?”

“Oh please do!” he covered the mouthpiece and pressed his ear to receiver. It’ll be months before he’d save enough to hear her sweet voice again.

“We have white candles and the Shamash is melting fastest,” the child stared at her father’s photo, sent from far away. “I’ll use my new crayons and mail you a drawing! Maybe one day people will have special phones that will let them see each other!”

The fantasies of children. He smiled. “Maybe so, maybe so.”



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers




Sweet Little Round Of Mine

Sufgania InbarAsif

Photo: Inbar Asif


The yeast had proofed

The dough had risen

Air had filled the bubbles high.

A kiss of oil

A squirt of jelly, and

Powdered sugar flying by.

The plate is set

The mouth is open:

This treat won’t fail to




For the Tuesday Photo Challenge: Round


The Best Tradition

Traditions R.Yehuda

Photo: R. Yehuda


The doorbell rings

The gate stays open

As they trickle, stream, come in.

Sisters, brothers, nieces, cousins,

Nephews, parents, aunts and uncles,

And new additions to the scene.

Candles lit and babies cuddled,

In the kitchen tied-up aprons swirl

As busy hands ready cuisine.

A phone is passed:

A distant caller

Hellos each loved one from the screen.

The rooms are filled

The hearts are fuller.

Another year of treasured family din.



For the Sunday Stills Challenge: Traditions



A Child’s Cheer

hanukkah Chagit MoriahGibor

Photo: Chagit Moriah-Gibor


As chilly nights

Churn cold winds

And unclothed trees

Hold branches

In a yearn

To huddle near,

Cherish the fleeting

Flowing moments

Of memory’s chalices

Filling with cheer,

As a child

Chants a prayer

And gently lights

History’s challenge

To despair


And fear.




For the dVerse Quadrille Monday challenge: Cheer


Light onto Light

In this time of longest darkness

May you be lit from within.

In the longest night and coldest

May your heart warm full with gleam.

May the light of endless lanterns


Oil lamps

Many flickers

Single glow

Fill your world with bright and shimmer

As the days begin to grow





solstice blessing