Space Saver

small-load NaamaYehuda


“It won’t fit.”

Sandra looked up from kneading. Mollie’s face was red with exertion.

“What won’t?” she asked, resuming the stretch-fold-stretch-fold rhythm. Working dough relaxed her. The knowledge that each pull and press moved energy from her muscles into what would later feed them. The cycle of it.

“The laundry. Nothing fits.”

“That’s odd,” Sandra noted. “I washed linens in it just the other day.”

“But nothing fits!” Mollie’s voice shook. “Not a sock!”

Sandra paused. She forgot how easily her sister got flustered even by simple things.

“It’s a Space-Savor model,” she offered. “Have you tried shrinking the items first?”



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers

Photo prompt: © Na’ama Yehuda


Gentle Giant

laundry helper karenforte

Photo: Karen Forte


Hello Mom

I have come

To help with

The clothes.

Can you see

Just how gentle

I am being

With those?

I did not bite a hole

Heel or toe

In the socks.

Nothing like

What I’d done

To the new

Garden hose.



For this week’s Tuesday Photo Challenge: Gentle