The Connection that Never Was

Am sharing the article below because there is benefit to reducing the worry and panic and misconceptions among those who still hear things about the supposed connection between autism and vaccination, and don’t know or never had good access to the facts.

This recent article in JAMA is one more study that shows NO CONNECTION between the MMR Vaccine and Autism. In fact, there never WAS a connection. In fact, no peer reviewed studies ever did show a connection. The study that caused the original panic was — by the admission of the researcher himself — made up and the results were falsified. The article was withdrawn a long time ago from reputable journals, and the scientist has been discredited for the results he falsified. Furthermore, his claims were never replicated (not surprisingly, given that they were false from the get go), and there has never been any support for the connection.

Some children may have adverse effects to vaccines–or to any medication or substance for that matter. Children can react to cotton, wool, milk, wheat, sugar, natural vegetable dyes, sweet potato, eggplant, broccoli, eggs–just about anything. This does not make the rare reactions mean that these substances should be avoided generally, or that they ’cause’ diseases. Vaccinations do not cause autism. There has never been any support for that, and many people did try to find it. They did not.

I hope this current publication in one of the most prestigious and rigorous journals in the world will help straighten out some of the facts for those who are still worried.

Vaccines save lives. They do not cause Autism. Never had.

vaccines work