

“This will not do!”

Rosie dipped her chin in acquiescence, but her hands twitched atop the rolling pin. Master Chef, as they were told to call him, was no ‘Master’ of hers, not to mention a mediocre chef and worse instructor.

You need to pass this course, she breathed compliance into her arms. “P&D” (“Pastries & Desserts” in the syllabus, “Posh & Dumb” among students) was mandatory. As was the instructor, whose Pops padded the Culinary College’s coffers.

“You will keep to the circles,” he decreed before moving to the next student.

Not to any circles you’re in, Rosie vowed.




For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers

Photo prompt © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields



33 thoughts on “Outcircled

  1. It’s “teachers” like this that discourage so many from moving forward. I know when I was taking hotel management at a specialized college, I lamented that using people who were specialists in their domain, did not ensure a proper learning of the thing. To teach, you need to know how!

    Rosie will get past this particular class, of that I am sure.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. She’ll do well. She’s doing what is asked of her, but on the inside she’s preparing for the time when she won’t have to be limited by that. Great insight into her thoughts and attitudes.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Na’ama Y’karah,

    This story puts me in mind of how I felt about some of my teachers and other students at the KC Art Institute. Seemed they spoke their roles well. As for their work, I wasn’t so convinced. We had very different ideas concerning ‘art’ I think.

    Love the story. May Rosie rise above and beyond.



    Liked by 1 person

    • Ah, I thought you might hear echoes of instructors-past in this piece … as I think many of us perhaps could. And … yes, I think she’ll do just fine! The instructor? Likely will stay stagnant …


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