Water Wait


“Who put it there?” Moe grumbled.

The waiting room was almost empty, but it only added to his resentment. Don’t people know it is cruel?

Alisha looked up from the small screen that consumed her waking moments and too many of what should have been her sleeping ones.

“Put what where?”

At least she was sort-of-paying attention.

“That,” he put as much contempt as he could manage with a parched brain into the word. He hated clinics. Especially this one.

“Oh, it’s yours,” Alisha handed him the water bottle. “Nurse said to have some. Told you no need to fast.”



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers

Photo prompt © Marie Gail Stratford


42 thoughts on “Water Wait

    • 🙂 A friend of mine once INSISTED that she had to fast before her lung x-Ray “to get a better view” … I tried to explain that it would not matter but she would not budge. Even when the nurse confirmed that it is GOOD for her to be hydrated, my friend argued that she “didn’t want them to see any water in her lungs.” The nurse and I exchanged looks. The friend shall not be named … 😉

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  1. Some tests “test” us more than we like. I think we get so accustomed to those that we begin to anticipate strictures that aren’t even required. The difference in attitude between the couple is well done, Na’ama. The growing tension and the relaxed resignation.

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  2. Na’ama Y’karah,

    Buy ’em books and buy ’em books and they just eat the pages. I’m surprised my bloodwork doesn’t come out brown from the coffee I drink beforehand. 😉 Good story we can all relate to.



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    • The poor fellow convinced himself that he needed to do so … but in truth, I feel for him, because he seems the anxious sort, and he probably was certain that if he did not fast, they’d send him home instead of doing whatever it was he was scheduled for …

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    • Yep, those are tough! But then there are the procedures you have to come parched for … Only thing is, Moe seems to have believed he needed to fast for something he did not need to (and would not listen when he was told he didn’t need to …) 😉


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