Ocean Breath

calm curl NaamaYehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


In the curl

Between inhale

And exhale

Breathes an ocean.

In it all

That can ebb

And will flow

As we come

And we go,

Scent of eons

And life

Surf to soul

Calming strife.



For dVerse Poetics: Comfort Smells


22 thoughts on “Ocean Breath

  1. wow! this caught me by surprise, a really mind opening surprise – scent of eons and life coming in from the waves – I scattered ashes to sea so my loved ones would continue their journey – your words bring the closure I think i was looking for so long. this is how I read your poetry today – thank you for writing this

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Beverly, I’m so glad you enjoyed this! 🙂 I adore the ocean and any seaside, and while I am not so nostalgic as to dismiss the power (destructive as well as nourishing) of the oceans, I do find the ocean inspiring it all it’s moods.


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