Soul Searching

NewZealand InbarAsif

Photo: Inbar Asif


Would you sell your soul

To sorrow?

Would you reap

Hate’s awful gain?

Would you let go of


So false power

Rise again?


Will your heart see

All humanity?

What will you allow,


Will your soles

Feed earth

Or hollow

Out it’s wealth

To drain?


Will you leave

Your soul abandoned?

Will you let your spirit


Or will you hold on

To the morrow

In a world

For you

And I?



For the SoCS prompt: Soul/sole



11 thoughts on “Soul Searching

    • Thank you!
      The SoCS prompts are fab. I’m fairly new to them myself – perhaps a handful of weeks? And some of the beauty of it is that there’s no editing, really (other than for typos), just a flow of whatever comes up in you.

      Liked by 1 person

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