

Photo: Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash


They said it was the best thing for it.

They hinted that to forgo discussing it will

Mean all manner of awfulness


(And would, perhaps, be partially my fault

For not taking steps to fix

By listening).


They showed how it would better


My house, my shape, my friends

My job.

May even lead to what I never had

Or always wanted

But an illness was sure

To rob.


The ad said it was the best thing for it.

A discovery deserving of a


If only my eyes hadn’t left the screen

To pluck an errant string,

Which had my ears


To the chatter —

Which had previously lay hidden

Under sprawling beaches

And smiling people

And every beautiful

Thing —

And I heard

The actual words

That listed

All the side-effects

(from death, to heart-attack, to vomiting)

That this supposed

Miracle drug

Was likely to also





For Linda Hill’s SoCS prompt: Flyer/Ad