Royal Purple

Royal Purple KarenForte

Photo: Karen Forte


Oh, you King

Of the branch,

Emperor of your


Purple robe

Golden crown,

Your perch all

Pomp and




For the dVerse poetry challenge: Majestic


Reclaimed Royalty

Lord O’Neill’s Cottage, Ram’s Island (from article in the Dublin Penny journal – 1830s) 


He’d come from royalty. Or at least from those who should’ve been but history had been too blind to realize their value. He’d seen promise in his older brother James: a lust for power and a need to force his will onto others. But James hadn’t shown enough self-preservation for a prince. A pity … but at least it left no issue of seniority.

Since childhood the conspiring doctors tried to claim him ill with “grandiosity.”

His mother failed to see. “We come from farmers, Thomas. Always have.”

Perhaps she truly believed her forefathers were but serfs to the O’Neills, but he knew better. He’d seen himself in the drawing, and it fit what he’d always known: He was destined for more, a royal progeny.

He’d take the island by force. It’ll make them realize it was past time he reclaimed what was his by rights, even if forgotten by history.



For What Pegman Saw: Northern Ireland


Crowned Castle

Castle SmadarHalperinEpshtein

Photo: Smadar Halperin-Epshtein


“It doesn’t matter where you live,” they said.

She knew they lied. It most certainly did!

When rain leaked onto your mattress and the wind snuck in through the window and mice crawled over your cheek in the middle of the night, it more than mattered.

“The only thing that matters is who you are,” they said.

Perhaps. But what good was it being a princess if your room was drafty and the tower creaked and the stairs were grooved with age and slippery with sloshed-over chamber-pots?

She’d swap her chamber for a page’s pallet by the hearth, if she could.



For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Castle in 100 words


Out Of Place

camp in style SmadarHalperinEpshtein

Photo: Smadar Halperin-Epshtein


Surely all would admit

Something here does not fit

King or not

No one ought

To require this bed

For their camped royal head.



For Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge