Palm Pay


Miranda’s concentration was broken by the distinct whistle. She paused the script and ran to the window.

A man was peering at a tiny screen on his wrist.


He looked up. “Miranda?”

“Yeah, that’s me!”

He tapped the square. “Package by Ele-Vator.”

“Thanks! Palm Pay okay?”

He nodded. “Try. They got range issues today.”

“No worries,” Miranda smiled. “Lemme pop out.”

She slipped a leg out to straddle the sill. “How’s that?” She lifted her hand.

The man raised his.

A small buzz in her palm.

He checked his screen. “Perfect. Done. Ele-Vating package now. Have a good one!”




For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers

Photo prompt: Alicia Jamtaas


Make The Move



Rupert had always taken things too literally.

Now she would be stuck with the same leak around the toilet bowl when the boys flush a bit too long; with the same creaky closet door that slithers nightmares in her dreams when Mat-The-Cat decides to make a bed of laundered linen; and with the crooked shelf in the pantry that requires a perfected fold of cardboard to ensure the flour box does not slide off.

It never was the outside scenery she needed changing.

She watched one half roll by and realized she did not care to wait for the other.



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers

Photo prompt © Ted Strutz


A Knotty Problem

knot DavidJFred

Photo: David J. Fred



She refused to retreat

In the face of defeat.

She pursed lips, furrowed brow,

Still the bead would not bow.

Pushed into the string’s knot

It slid off … yet she fought.

All suggestions were waived

She refused to be saved.

Five more minutes she spent

String nor bead would relent.

Just as frustration frayed …

Cookies came to her aid.





For The Daily Post


target practice belly style

Photo: Smadar Halperin-Epshtein


If the distance’s too far

And the winning too tempting

There is always the tummy

To improve odds

Of aiming.



For The Photo Challenge

English: Tough Enough?

Bel Air Library Baltimore


English …

The impossible nuance of words that do not follow through

And rules that leave one without clue

Enough to grow a frown on many brow

As they doggedly attempt to plough

A minefield of delivery so rough

It leaves them justifiably gruff …


This video never fails to make me … laugh!


I Mean It!


He plopped himself on the rug and pulled his sock on, tugging on the elastic till the fabric stretched to his knees. He gazed down at a bump. Scrunched his forehead, patted the bump down. It flattened but not all the way.

The furrows in his forehead grew. The bumpy bit was connected to the sock … like always … but something still seemed wrong.

He twisted his foot. Examined the sole. No bump there.

He pulled harder on the elastic. Re-examined. No change.

He shrugged.

Somehow when mommy or daddy did this, the sock looked different. No bump on the bottom. No bump on top.

He stood, took a step and stopped. Another step. Stopped.

The bump bunched. It felt funny when he walked.

He sat back down. Stared at his feet. Wiggled his toes.

It felt funny again. He bent his foot. No good.

Maybe the sock was broken.

He pulled it off.

Took a look.

The sock appeared completely normal now. Just like always.

He pursed his lips, pointed his toes into the sock and tried again.

The fabric bunched. A bump.

He moved his foot, paused, narrowed his eyes, and sighed. Tugged the sock off and held it between thumb and finger.

“Be good boy, Sock,” he admonished. “No more no-sense. I mean it!”



Photo by:


For The Daily Post

All Packed

beyondtherack-com-cupcake-backpack cupcake backpack


She packed a snack, Baby Bear, her rainbow blanket. She stashed a book and some crayons, last week’s (slightly stained and missing a corner but still meaningful) drawing of butterflies and “maybe aliens.”

She added a half-eaten cookie, a seashell, a necklace (you just never known when you might need one). She tried to squeeze in her pillow but it “won’t go.”

She put her shoes on (wrong feet, still fit).

She zipped the bag and pulled her hat on. Splayed the coat on the floor, pushed her arms into the sleeves, and flipped the whole thing over her head just as she’d learned. The coat slid on but tugged the hat off as it went, sending it to lodge someplace between her shoulder blades.

She paused in apprehension, then shrugged, jumped in place … ‘birthed’ the hat from under the hem and victoriously repositioned it on her head.

She nodded in satisfaction, reached for her bag and hoisted a strap over one shoulder. Squirmed and wriggled to get the other arm through the second strap.

“There.” She breathed. She looked around.


Being ready was nice but actually leaving was less enticing. All those hours at preschool before she got to see Mommy again.

Her shoulders slumped. So did the bag. Her lip quivered.

A moment passed. She brightened.

“Mommy!” she called. “Can you pack me a hug?”


For The Daily Post

Make Life Easier!


Practical fun! Two for one!

Life is complicated. Stuff gets in the way, falls off, gets tangled, goes missing, takes time and space and energy to organize. Thankfully, there are some very clever people who come up with supremely genius solutions to problems you maybe did not realize you even had, or that give you an ‘aha’ moment when the solution is presented.

Think you need to get a specialized gadget for every situation? Think again. Apparently you probably already have all you need, and some of it may be in your recycling bin even as you are reading, just waiting for salvation and a second chance…

Small ideas can make big sense once you see them.

Here are some simple, everyday things that can make you life simpler. Or at the very least, provide you with a smile (and smiles, as we all know, are super-efficient ways to make life instantly better!)

Simple solutions with everyday objects–click on the links below each photo to get even more ideas!

Let little Tennis serve you with a holding hand!


Want more ideas? Click here!


Hang on to your chosen reading material …


More where this came from? Click here!


Catch drill spills!

drill spill

Want more easy solutions to pesky problems? Click here!


Give shoes a step up (and your floor a dirt-break)

shoes off

More fun solutions? Click here!

May your day be easy and your solutions multiply!