Tiny Tidings


The dreary times were soon to pass.

No matter that her breath still steamed both outdoors and inside the drafty house. No matter that her red fingers barely bent with swelling and that the chilblains on her toes still burned and ached and itched. No matter that she took so long to warm come night that she almost despaired of sleeping.

The dreary times were soon to pass.

She knew.

True, it was still frosty.

But the cold was dying.

She knew, because the ice formed only on the very edges of her washbasin and because what frost adorned the ground in the morning would transmute into miniature mirrors of dew by the time the sun rose higher in the sky.

And because she saw the primrose.


Out there.

In audacious glee.

If the tiny flowers could endure the remnants of frigidity, so could she.



For Crispina’s Crimson’s Creative Challenge


Lush Blush

Tulip DvoraFreedman

Photo: Dvora Freedman


In the spring soon to come

As the snow loses hold

The intrepid push up

Unafraid of the cold.

They poke heads

Lead the way

And in rush to full blush

Chase the winter away.



For The Daily Post