A Bit Of Clarity

Photo: Sue Vincent

She always went to the beach for a bit of clarity.

The movement of the water on the sand brought her back into her own breath. The rush of energy reminded her of the push of arteries, the pull of veins. The predictably irregular rhythm of the surf reminded her how ebb and flow do not mean that things will be uniform. They’ll come and go. Each unique. Each set its own and inseparable from what flowed forth before and what is following.

She could count on a wave and then another and another, on the rise and fall, the crash and wash, the small detritus that each leaves and yet is part of what had been and what will be and what just is.

Like life.

Like the muddy, murky, uncertainties of everything.

Where the one thing she could trust was that another wave will come, and that even the biggest wave retreats, at some point, in wavelets of resignation. As another one rolls in.



For Sue Vincent’s WritePhoto challenge



At The Edge

cliff NaamaYehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda



You look down from the edge

To see,

The world bottoming out

From what could be.

The waters

That will take with them


To sea,

All that has come


And will one day

Once more

Be free.



For the Sunday Stills Challenge: Edge



Thankful Still

Ebb and Flow NaamaYehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


Thankful still for life’s living

Thankful still

For the hope

That each breath that’s drawn in

Can begin

And can bring.

Thankful still, if hadn’t always

For the ebb

And the flow

Of small joys and big sorrows

As they come

And they go

As we grow

And we know.



For the Sunday Stills Challenge: Thankful



Undulating Resolve

Maine NaamaYehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


When resolve wobbles,

When your heart

Worries at


And your fingers


Their own

Flow –

Recall how

Every wave


To and fro,


The ocean



Onto each





For The Daily Post