In Her Element

cameleon AmitiaAsif

(Photo: Amitai Asif)


She watched

The proceedings

Without anyone

Taking notice.

It was almost


Perched as she was

In plain sight

Yet somehow


It suited her

To be a


There but not

Quite there.

For she was most

In her element

When she was fully

Blended in.



For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Element in 47 words


Profit Margin

old-boat-at-bc-marina CrispinaKemp


He walked around the boat.

Excellent. Most people would not give it another look, which was exactly what he had intended.

They’d done a good job, aging the structure so it seems derelict, abandoned, old.

The bits of metal, old jerrycans and the ‘who-knows-what-plagues-hide-under-this-junk’ that were strewn about only augmented the effect. The well-placed rusty barbwire didn’t hurt, either.


Very few knew that once aboard and down the hatch, the innards were state-of-the-art creature comforts and the latest in surveillance.

There had been too many botched drops lately. Too many intercepted by an over-zealous coast guard. It was a shame that their contact inside had been exposed and that greasing of hands was no longer appreciated. Mateo had been taken care of, of course, to minimize risk of blathering. But supplies still needed to get through. Profits required solutions.

He nodded his approval.

Beside him, Boris exhaled. “Thanks, Boss.”




For Crispina’s Crimson’s Creative Challenge



Wait a Minute!

camoflage AmitaiAsif

Photo: Amitai Asif


I love the tension captured in this photo of partially camouflaged Nubian Ibex. This “wait a moment!” stare-at-the-camera image was taken in the fraction between the two does realizing the human’s proximity and them springing away.



For The Photo Challenge