
Na'ama Yehuda MSC SLP

Na’ama Yehuda, MSC SLP

(Photo Credit: Kathryn Cameron)
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Na’ama Yehuda was born and raised in Israel, lived briefly in Africa as a young child, and resides in New York City. She is a Speech Language Pathologist and Audiologist who has been working with families and children of all ages for almost 30 years. She is licensed in both Hebrew and English, in Israel and New York State. In addition to her clinical work, Na’ama also teaches internationally to child professionals, presents in conferences, edits professional publications, contributes columns in other publications, and volunteers on several committees. In all her endeavors, Na’ama strives to optimize children’s lives and to improve understanding of the complex links between language, overwhelm, resiliency, trauma, and development.

Clinically, Na’ama has specific expertise in bilingualism in general and the issues relating to the combination of Hebrew and English in particular. She also specializes in developmental trauma and its impact on communication and development, and in issues related to chronic pain in children, adoption, language/learning, sensory and motor-planning, auditory processing, auditory rehabilitation and training, and complicated clinical presentations.

Na’ama is an avid writer. She publishes both fiction and non-fiction, is a blogger and a poet. In addition to her first novel, “Outlawed Hope,” her second novel, “Emilia,” and her most recent novel, “Apples in Applath,” Na’ama has published articles in peer-review journals, columns in professional newsletters, chapters in leading books about childhood trauma and dissociation, and an award winning book: “Communicating Trauma: Clinical presentations and interventions with traumatized children” with Routledge Publishers.

Not a day goes by without some words written … Na’ama is currently hard at work on a requested contribution to a clinical peer review journal; is working on another novel for young readers; and on a sequel to “Outlawed Hope”, among other things …

One of seven sisters, Na’ama is blessed with a multitudinous and amazing family (many photos on this site are by VERY talented nieces and nephews, several of them photographers!). She loves goats and beaches, beautiful places and funny kids. She adore life, words, a good laugh, playful fun, and the grace of connection.

Honors & Awards

Written Media Award (for the book “Communicating Trauma“): The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD), 2016

President Award: The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD), 2014

Fellow Award: The International society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD),  2012

Distinguished Achievement Award: The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD), 2011

Rubinstein Award for Excellence in Master Studies, 1991

Professional affiliations

ISSTD–The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation–Fellow

ISHLA–The Israeli Speech Hearing and Language Association

NYSSHLA–The New York State Speech Hearing Language Association

Volunteer positions

ISSTD Volunteer positions:

  • ISSTD Child and Adolescent Committee: co-Chair
  • ISSTD Communication and Marketing Committee: Committee Member
  • ISSTDNYC component group: co-Chair and webhostess

Other volunteer positions:

  • Online Trauma and Dissociation Forum: Moderator
  • Goodreads Librarian

Na’ama Yehuda Supports:

34 thoughts on “About

    • Lydia, thank you. I’m very glad you love my blog (I’m not objective, so of course I love it … but it is lovely to have more love … ;)). This award thingy is very cool and super kind of you, but I am not sure what I’m expected to do, or where, or how. Can you please clarify for me?


      • I’m glad you’re happy and of course I can help, and apologies, it is slightly more confusing than usual because I posted lots of awards at once.

        I have nominated you for a Liebster award, which is primarily aimed at blogs that are young or have less than 200 followers, though the rules are often bent. Awards are really a way of raising your profile within the blogging world. If you follow my link http://lydiadevadason.wordpress.com/2014/04/19/awards-ceremony/ and look at the section on the Liebster Award, it will explain what to do.

        In order to accept the award and copy the pink symbol onto your blog to say you were nominated (you can right-click and save the picture), you need to thank the person nominating (me, lol), answer the eleven questions I have set for you (at the end of the section), nominate up to 11 other bloggers to pass the award on to and set 11 questions for them to answer (if it’s easier you can just use the same ones I’ve asked).

        Once you’ve published this post you then send messages to your nominees to say they’re nominated, and with a link to the url of your page talking about the award so that they can easily find the questions they need to answer to accept.

        It sounds complicated but it’s OK when you get the hang of it. Different awards have different rules. Of course let me know if you have any questions. And there’s no need to do anything straight away, you can leave it until you have the time 🙂


  1. Greetings Na’ama,
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and following it.
    I’ve browsed a bit and find you have a great blog.
    I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. My neighborhood was Jewish so I had many friends.
    I enjoyed knowing about the culture. Now, I reside in Florida. I’m retired. I’m pleased to meet you and look forward to many visits to your blog.
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 1 person

    • I lived in Brooklyn twice! 🙂 Once in Midwood, once closer to Kings Highway. I have Brooklynite friends who moved to Florida, too! Thank you for the kind words about my blog and I hope to ‘see you’ around! 🙂 Na’ama

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely to meet you through the blog world. What a delightful bio and fascinating work you do with children. I appreciate this so much, “In all her endeavors, Na’ama strives to optimize children’s lives and to improve understanding of the complex links between language, overwhelm, resiliency, trauma, and development.” I look forward to reading more what you have written and experienced. Have a wonderful day! Brenda

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awww… Thanks, Brenda! What a lovely comment! It is nice to ‘meet you,’ too! 🙂
      If you ever want to read a bit more about my work and such, there’s some stuff in the “books and publications” tab. 🙂 Happy Friday! Na’ama

      Liked by 1 person

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