The Bet


“Stop the car!”

Milly hit the breaks and hid her smile. They’d wondered how long it would take Pappy to notice what they’d done.

Only two days … Which meant she won the bet and Ben will be raking leaves all autumn.

When Pappy climbed back into the vehicle, there was wetness on his cheeks.

“Your doing?” he whispered.

“And Ben’s.”

It had taken considerable begging and a promise to maintain the church’s lawn, for the pastor to agree to put Granny’s beloved weather vane atop the bell tower.

Pappy chuckled. “She always put on a good spin, didn’t she?”



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers

Photo by: Dale Rogerson


72 thoughts on “The Bet

  1. Adorable!!! And so clever!


    “What we have before us are some breathtaking opportunities disguised as insoluble problems.”

    John W. Gardner

    Adele Ryan McDowell, Ph.D.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Rochelle! Indeed no losers when one comes from heart and love, and is seeking to uphold (literally? … 😉 ) more love and heart. And if you get the front lawn taken care of in the process, then all the better for it … 😉
      Glad to be back! Was super hectic few weeks, and I’m still collecting my brain-cells from where they are jet-lagging around … but am gradually recognizing myself, which is always a good thing (I think … 😉 ) . XOXO

      Liked by 1 person

    • 🙂 I have me a feeling that Ben will be looked after (or over …) by his Granny’s weather vane while he is busy with the raking, and that he’d raked up a good bit of credit in the heart department besides … (and Milly’s pleased, too, I believe … ;))


    • Hi Brenda! Thank you for this comment! Of course, now I am very curious to know where you had expected it to go. Will you share? 🙂 So fun that things can go in several different ways! 🙂 And … thank you again for the kind feedback! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think it is my frame of mind (maybe?) but I thought the siblings had done something naughty at first. When I re-read it after the lovely ending, and re-read it just now, I’m not sure why I thought that (haha). So glad to meet you here. I didn’t realize you had been away because I have also. =) Hope you have a nice week ahead!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Brenda! I’m glad you read and re-read and I’m double happy that you liked the ending. They were not naughty (for a change… 😉 but I bet they were in the past. A lot. 😉
        Yep, been away. Hope your time away was a good one, and glad to have you back, too! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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