Lost And Found

(Photo: Cameron Stow on Unsplash)


They said she was wanton.

That from a child she’s been, capricious.

Her mom would sigh. Her father, frown.

They loathed how she refused to bow.

Ungovernable. Resisting.

She was, to them,

A moral stain.

A failure

In contrition.

They had stopped speaking to her

Till she had learned submission.

The wayward daughter of the tribe.

The one who lost

Her compass.

Only they none of them knew


In shunned space,

She finally


Life scrumptious.




For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: wayward in 77 words


28 thoughts on “Lost And Found

  1. This is a beautiful and poignant approach to a very old story.
    I like the way you take the reader down through a path which becomes unhappier with every step, until the girl takes one step which leads her to her own sunshine filled world.
    A most uplifting approach. Well done

    Liked by 1 person

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