Evidence Of Hope



Nate looked at Mr. Banks. The tall man was bending forward, willowy limbs almost touching the pavement, round-rimmed glasses testing gravity.

“Aha, as in what?” Nate asked.

“As in I believe we have a lead.”

Nate felt his eyes fill. False hope was the worst. The desperation with which he clung to the possibility.


The detective straightened. He pointed at the photo, then the pavement. “See her ponytail? See this? Her hair tie broke. Runaway or not, she would have tried to get a replacement. The pharmacy across the alley is the closest. They may well have footage.”



Photo prompt: © CEAyr

For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers


58 thoughts on “Evidence Of Hope

  1. Na’ama Y’karah,

    There are all sorts of possibilities, aren’t there? Perhaps she had another ponytail holder in her purse. Or she might’ve decided not to bother. At any rate, I’m left hoping that things work out for Nate. See what you did? Nicely done.



    Liked by 1 person

    • Ah, yes, we don’t know much about what happened, or about Mr. Banks, and whether you can take any of what he said to the bank … So, despair and hope are indeed a painful (and vulnerable) combination. I hope for the best but I fear turbulence is more likely.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I think we each ‘see’ different things in every photo (and some photos don’t evoke much in a particular week for some people and that’s okay, too, of course!) and that is what makes this FF so fun! The diversity of reactions is always a delight. Thank you for the comment! 🙂


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