Better Happy Than Sad


“You think he’ll win?”

Shlomi shrugged. Elections or not, he was distracted by the scents wafting from the cart across the stone-paved alley. His wife would kill him if he drank any of the juices. Diabetes would kill him, too. So it was just a matter of whether it’ll happen on his terms.

Or not.

He sighed.

“Get that pomegranate juice,” Abdul urged. “You know no one makes it like my father does.”

Better die happy than sad.

“Abu Abdul,” Shlomi called across the narrow alley. “One pomegranate?”

“For sure, Habibi,” the old man grinned. “Want that fake-sugar in there?”



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers 



45 thoughts on “Better Happy Than Sad

  1. I like the “hominess” of your story. There is an easy comforting connection between your characters. I get tired of being warned and shamed into nothingness. Machines need oil. People need lubricating comfort. Great story, Na’ama.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks! Yeah, I think that sometimes there’s room to consider easing of restrictions, within reason … (Not so sure about too much juice for diabetic, but perhaps a tiny cup with a few sips and some food and checking glucose for the need to add some insulin could work …).

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Interesting write. Reminds me of Mom’s last day… she asked for a chocolate shake. The Hospice nurse threw a fit when I went to get it for her. I looked the nurse straight in the eye. “Mom knows what it means. Mom gets what Mom wants… always has.” And I handed Mom the shake… a few hours later she slipped into diabetic coma… by morning she was gone. Mom always did get what she wanted.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow. And … I think that there is a lot to be said for respecting people’s right for autonomy over their own bodies, ESPECIALLY when it comes to terminal situations where it truly is imminent, and the difference can be between a helpless passing and an empowered transition.

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      • I’ve always supported a person’s right to choose….as hard as it was it was what she wanted. By then, even the morphine was as candy to her pain.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I hear you, and I am sorry … I know how difficult it can be, and how few the options for relief become. Choice matters. I’m so glad you support it. Your mom was fortunate to have you there to advocate for and hear her. Small comforts matter when there’s little comfort left.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m not convinced fake sugar is very good for you, though if you already suffer from diabetes, probably a good idea 🙂 Though according to The Google, pomegranates already contain 14g or sugar per 100g…

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think fake sugar is absolutely NOT good for you, though for people with diabetes it might be the lesser of two evils. Otherwise, stay away … As for the pomegranate juice – it of course IS super sweet as it is (we had a couple trees in the garden growing up), though no one said you cannot water it down … 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s his body, his illness, his choice. I avoid Aspartame like the plague, (terrible migraines if I inadvertently take it) and always read the small print to see if it’s there. I’m amazed that it’s even in simple medicines like heart-burn relief remedies over here, although I believe there is more caution in the States.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, fake sugar ain’t too good for ya. For some with diabetes is it an only alternative for some things, though perhaps better without if they can manage. Yeah, medications have fake sugars in them, too many of them. And artificial food colors besides. Here’s to trying to keep healthy!


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