Fully Drawn


(Photo: Al Battison on Unsplash)


She could not help the pull of lore

And hopes that drew on her

Heart like a magnet right into

The polar

Opposite of what

She had been raised to

Know and


For how could she possibly

Be anything but

What she




For the dVerse quadrille poetry challenge



19 thoughts on “Fully Drawn

    • Yes, all we can be is who we are, though so often it is not an easy thing to come to terms with or get approval for. How odd is that? You’d think it would be encouraged. But, no … And yet … many do still find a way to be true to themselves. Not easy, but oh-so-worth-it!


    • Thanks, Ali! I think that it is often stronger than we want to admit and that too many of us learn to spend a goodly amount of our energy taping down and explaining away the urge to be ourselves. That said, it does not mean all of us have to run away with the circus … 😉

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