To Be Home

ToBeHome NaamaYehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


To be home

Where the sun kisses


On the sly,

And the buildings cannot

Hide reflections

Of sky,

Where new life bursts on forth


Joy unmasked,

And this moment


Is almost all one

Can ask.




For the Lens-Artists Challenge: at home



14 thoughts on “To Be Home

    • Thank you Shweta! In NYC we are not ‘forced’ to stay home, but are asked to do so, for our own good and for the health of those more vulnerable than us. We are allowed to go out for essentials – food, medicine, some physical activity within the bounds of physical distancing and no lingering outdoors. It is difficult, but it helps, and knowing how many here have died and how many are still ill, and how many are vulnerable if infected, it makes staying in something that feels like ‘doing something to help’, however small. I hope you are well, wherever you are, and that life soon returns to something easier all around! Thank you for the comment! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • I only meant that current situation has completely changed our lifestyle. It’s a privilege to stay in our home indeed. As you said, staying inside feels like doing something to help. In India, we’re on a nationwide lockdown. We’re allowed to step out for groceries and make emergency runs if we have a mask. I hope that we’re able to find a cure for this soon. I hope that this ordeal end soon. Take care.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I understand. And yes, the current situation changed our lifestyle in many ways, all over the world. In NYC, we can leave for similar things (and must wear a face covering, too). I hope there will soon be a cure/vaccine, and that we will come out of this knowing more fully how we are, indeed, all one. One planet. One human family. Take good care, too! 🙂


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