Call Home

Photo prompt: © Douglas M. MacIlroy


“Do you still have it?”

“Let me see,” he nodded at the screen even though he knew she couldn’t see him.


The tremor in her voice told him everything: How tender she felt, how brave she was, how she couldn’t bear for him to ask directly lest it shatter what brittle control she managed to maintain.

“Got it,” he breathed. Attached. Hit ‘send.’ “Check your email.”

The line was silent. Then her voice, full of tears. “I knew it. I knew it hadn’t been a dream. She said she’d visit. From the after. Exactly this way. … And she came.”




For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers


46 thoughts on “Call Home

    • I’m glad it came across this way. I’d had some ‘visitors’ in bird form from loved ones who’d passed, and though I cannot prove it, I am convinced that those times the birds were ‘messengers of hello.’ It felt like a hug. It felt tender, too, but in a way that fills and stretches the heart. I hope those who are missing loved ones – whether in this world or the next – have small points of connection via memories, photos, calls, or ‘messengers.’


  1. Eerie… years ago, before personal computers were everywhere, I started to write a story a fantasy/sci-fi in which a spirit used the computer to communicate with the protagonist. And here you’ve used the same device. I like. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This was absolutely lovely, Na’ama.
    When I got my new laptop and installed my email program, for some strange reason, my “sent” folder seemed to refill and there were emails from Mick, my dad, my friend Brenda – people who had passed in 2014, 2013, 2012… Definitely felt like a message from the other side even though. Well… ok, no relation but made me think of it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You’ve given us two lovely characters there. I particularly like the man, who shows such sensitivity.
    And it’s a heart-warming and intriguing story, open to multiple interpretations. Elegantly written, too.

    Liked by 1 person

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