Her Song To Sing


Photo: Jorgen Haland via Unsplash


And so she stood

Among the rocks

That piled,

A pyre of life’s debris,

Like so much refuse

Of what had

Once been

Beloved goals.


And so she sang,

The words still raw

Against her lips,

Her livid

Scar of



The song, she knew,

Was more than

A sum

Of her whole,

And beyond any meaning

Voice could



And so she stood

Amidst the wreckage

Of her faith

Atop the middling shards

Of hope.


And she recalled

The seeds long planted

In her core,

Beneath the thickets

Of lost calls,

Awaiting, perhaps,

This very annihilation

As invitation

To grow bold.




(Dedicated to all who are feeling broken. May they find the seeds within their core. And grow bold.)

For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Song in 102 words


34 thoughts on “Her Song To Sing

    • Thank you Rochelle.
      I hope so, too. A few women I know are feeling especially broken these days. One of them sings, and the prompt led itself to this … as is often the case with such things.
      Off to read yours …

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Brilliant stuff. I can relate to it. All my usual hobbies and proje ts have either finished or got so boring I can’t face them. Something new/ancient is stirring.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This was fantabulous, Na’ama
    (And funny, you are reading mine as I’m reading yours!)

    Yes. May we be bold enough to not only hold ourselves together but to move forward and create new amidst the rubble.

    Liked by 1 person

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