Unexpected Sales

critter beach naamayehuda

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


I did not quite expect,

On the beach, in the sun,

A visit from dinos

Puppeted by a man.

Granted these all were smaller

Than the ones I would fear,

But I still did not really

Want them too near.


My eyes must’ve

Been wide

As I waved

Him aside,

But two chairs

To the right

He sold three

With delight.



For the Lens-Artist Photo Challenge: Unexpected


12 thoughts on “Unexpected Sales

    • Yah … it was quite the experience this summer. Especially given how all these ‘things’ are articulated and so they all kept moving in the breeze … yikes! 😉 Not for moi, but apparently there were those who found it quirky enough to buy … To be fair, they did look well made (from a distance … ;)).

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