In Case Of Rain

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson


It was their anniversary, and once again he was late.

The office manager held him up for nonsense that could’ve easily waited for tomorrow. Mr. Billings often did so when Gary was in a rush. It was a cruel little game he played, knowing that with previous ‘insubordination’ records in his file, Gary could not afford even the slightest reprimand. No job, no health insurance.

His phone buzzed as he rushed to the restaurant. A text.


Mary. Gary’s heart sank. He ran faster. His phone vibrated again.

“I’m under a blue umbrella. You know, in case of rain.”



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers



24 thoughts on “In Case Of Rain

    • Indeed! And … unfortunately, having obnoxious bosses is something all too many have to cope with, for the sake of putting bread on the table and keeping a roof overhead and, in some cases, keeping a health insurance (it seems that is a main concern for Gary, which may make one wonder if Mary, or himself, or some other close family member is currently in dire need of medical care they would otherwise be unable to afford). And … yeah, it seems Mary isn’t happy, but also isn’t leaving him hanging. I think she knows what might’ve happened at work. Or will know soon … Thank you for the comment, Abhijit Ray!


    • Or, maybe he knows the restaurant and she is letting him know: a. where to find her. b. that she might be feeling blue, c. that there may be tears … (or that she is already in tears), or d. that she realizes he was kept behind at work and is sympathizing with HIS feeling blue … Who knows, right? 😉 What I love so much about story telling, is that it often leaves just as much for us to tell ourselves. Thanks, Penny!


    • Oh … he might find support at home and plod along as he can. Perhaps the manager will be mean to the wrong person … and be fired himself and Gary promoted … Anything’s possible and one can dream … But, yes, the realities of helplessness and abuse-of-power and the ripple effects these have, are all too real! Thank you for the comment! 🙂

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