Digging to China

Friday Fictioneers’ photo prompt © Connie Gayer


He didn’t want to hear a word against the possibility.

“It is a round world, Meg,” he said,

And listened not to facts nor feasibility.

“China is there at the bottom, you will see.”

He said and spread the shovels all around for company.

It’s been a long first year of him retired

And the days stretched on.

“Go ahead, dear,” Meg agreed,

For China may let her keep her sanity indeed.



To join Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers prompt, click here.


22 thoughts on “Digging to China

  1. ברוך הבא
    Dear Na’ama,

    You have linked correctly. I relate to the wife of the retired husband. If digging to China will keep him out of her hair, it’s worth the hole in the yard. 😉 Nicely done.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Yay! I wasn’t sure because the link system is one I hadn’t used before–I think of this as learning something new every day. Keeps my brain humming. Thanks for the kind feedback and warm welcome, and yeah, sometimes it is better to just let’em dig. … 🙂 Shabbat Shalom, Na’ama

      Liked by 1 person

  2. That was a wonderful first entry, Na’ama!
    I think as kids we all thought we could dig to China… of course watching Bugs Bunny & Loony Toons sure helped put that idea into our heads…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Dale. I’ve been posting on other prompts and challenges over the years but just found this one today through a fellow blogger … These things are a lot of fun and good for flexing writing muscles between books. As for the digging to china bit … My sister and I were adamant about digging our own swimming pool in the backyard one summer. Must’a been 10 and 8 or so … Well, a few muddy hours later, we had an indentation in the yard and needed to hose the dirt off of each other before we would’ve been allowed re-entry… 😉


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