A Path To Peace

Peace is not made by force

Or guns

Or terror.

It is not reached through the infliction of an added pain

Unto another

In the name of God or righteousness.

Peace is not made

By fighting for it with hatred

Or another war.

Children everywhere are children

Worthy of far more.

May compassion multiply and kindness grow …

To put out the fires of hatred and division,

The smoldering of war and rage,

Of profiteering and apathy,

Of greed and power-hunger

Disguised as they can be by flag or faith or vocal moral lore.

May compassion multiple and kindness grow …

To pour cool peacefulness

On zealots and prejudiced

And remind them we have all been born

Under the same skies

In the same form

Onto the same blue-green shores.

May love flow through the wounded places

Through the broken walls and empty spaces,

To fill the shattered hearts with light,

To gently hold

Let light unfold.

we dont need

2 thoughts on “A Path To Peace

    • All children are born worthy of peace, and no child thrives under hatred, fear, terror or war. It is counter-life, it is inhumane, and as such, I have to believe it takes more energy to maintain war than to offer peace …


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