

Twenty kilometers. His heart thumped in his ears. His muscles screamed for relief. He pushed through. Almost there. A bit more. One last hill.


All he needed to do now was get to his bike. Pedal home. Thankfully, mostly downhill.

He’d have a warm shower while the coffee brewed. Get some oatmeal going. Fry an egg. Make toast. His mouth watered.

A distant rumble sounded, and he looked up. The heavy bank of clouds that followed him, finally caught up.

Light flashed. Whoa! So close! A second wind propelled his legs as he sprinted, suddenly energized, to his bike.


For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers

Photo prompt: @ Dale Rogerson


39 thoughts on “Energized

  1. They need to get on the bike, stay on the bike, and not touch the ground until they are safely under cover. The rubber tires should protect them from lightning strike, but I’m no expert on it, so maybe not? Poor person will be running on pure adrenalin!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, I’m not sure how well the metal of the bike will protect them if anything touches that … but hey, at least rubber tires… 😉 And most importantly – a mad pedaling till there’s some kind of a building to shelter in!

      Liked by 1 person

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