A Work Of Art



“Grand, isn’t it?”

Grand indeed, Sebastian nodded, too distracted by the elegant turn and glowing skin of Maruska’s neck to care about the stained glass in the ceiling.


Sebastian averted his eyes skyward and felt warmth rise under his collar to color his cheeks. The realization made him blush harder. He hated how his face became an open book.

Get a grip! he admonished himself. She’s taken! In fact, they were waiting for Alexander to join them. The rock on her ring was surely intended to outshine any other splendor.

“A work of art,” Sebastian murmured. And meant it.



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers

Photo: © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


53 thoughts on “A Work Of Art

    • Ah, Neil, a bit of foreshadowing there, eh? 😉 I hope they’ll be okay, both of them, but for now it seems that at least 50% of the people in that scene are not particularly happy with the way thing are … 😉


    • Thank you, Rochelle! I think there are a fair amount of such trios – from all directions – in the world, and perhaps some of us know someone in that situation, whether it is openly discussed/admitted or sensed and suspected. I hope he finds someone who’d return his infatuation and awe. 🙂

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    • LOL, thank you, Penny. I think the fun of these short pieces is that they sometimes tickle the potential of longer ones … which do or do not develop beyond their zygote stage … but some remain in their little incubators, waiting for a possible awakening and further growth … 🙂
      (can you tell a friend’s daughter is going through IVF?) 😉

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