Forgotten Power



She took another sip of coffee. A small one. To make it last.

A dreary morning meant the outdoor cafe wasn’t busy. Still, the waiter would surely clear her table as soon as her cup ran dry. He’d already deposited the check to flutter underneath the saucer. Hastening her to remove the eyesore of tattered bags and unkempt hair from the establishment.

Her chest tightened and her hand trembled. She forced in a deep breath.

She used to own the place. In better days.

She could still see it, riding through her mind’s eye. Her colorfully beloved Flower Power Cafe.




For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers

Photo prompt: © Brenda Cox


50 thoughts on “Forgotten Power

  1. A sad, but often real story. But if I should not judge, then I shall not judge the waiter either.
    A local eatery with a jerk owner closed because the abused staff all walked out. Some days you’re the windshield, some days you’re the bug. 🙂 Good story, Na’ama.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Simple, sad and heart wrenching.
    In my mind’s eye I can see this as a homeless person, with all her belongings, dragging out that coffee. And understand too why the waiter may seem dismissive. Sadly, he wants to hurry off the riff-raff. Positively, he is trying to keep busy on a quiet day.

    Liked by 1 person

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