Unsuitable For Your Kind


(Photo: Kristian Strand on Unsplash)


“The best,” the man swept a heavy arm across the offerings.

“And there?” the woman gestured at the shadows.

“Nothing worth your time, Madam.” He looked pointedly at her tailored attire, “Unsuitable for your kind.”

“Nonsense,” she ordered.

He frowned but snapped his fingers. “Silvia!”

The child looked underfed even in comparison to the other orphans.

“Trouble,” he warned. “Used up her chances twice.”

“Or,” the woman smiled, “very insufficiently pre-loved.”




For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Pre-loved in 71 words



27 thoughts on “Unsuitable For Your Kind

    • Thanks, Keith! I believe this time will be the first REAL time (i.e. when it is not just about the adult but also about her …) and I have a feeling it’ll go swimmingly (even through some stormy times, which are par for the course with children who’d had storms shape their being).


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