The Catch


“What’s with the basket?”

Sharlynn’s lip curled up. “For the catch.”

Robert raised an eyebrow. “Thought you went vegan.”

“I did,” Sharlynn grinned. “But Bertrand resists, and I thought I’d shock him and prepare fish for his birthday dinner. It’s not every day that a man turns half centenarian.”

Robert groaned. At forty-nine, he was next in line.

“So,” Sharlynn’s eyebrow matched her brother’s. “May I come aboard?”

“Sure,” Robert waved in half-invitation, half-defeat.

“Don’t look so worried,” Sharlynn laughed. “I’m gonna clean’em up myself. Also, Bertie’s getting kale quiche. What I truly hope to ‘fish’ is some fresh seaweed.”



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers  (Photo prompt © C.E.Ayr)




46 thoughts on “The Catch

  1. Na’ama Y’kara,

    Kale and seaweed to sound good to me. Although I’d prefer to have a side of sashimi and perhaps some sake to go with them. Vegan? Me? Not ever. 😉 I hope Bertrand enjoys his half-century dinner.



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