
max-headroom CrispinaKemp


Luke eyed the sign ahead.

“I won’t be allowed in,” he sighed.

Sarah scrunched her forehead. “Maybe they won’t notice?”

Luke raised an eyebrow. He was 6’8″.

Of course they would notice. It was a stupid thing to say. She blushed. “I’m sorry, Luke. I mean, it’s just so unfair!”

He nodded. Such rules often were. Still many tended to accept, even embrace, ‘patriotic regulations’ … until caprice hit close to home. Or in his case, on the way back to it.

He had pooh-poohed the risk. What folly.

He wouldn’t be allowed into the City. Even though he’d been born and raised and lived there. Had committed no crime. He was banished. They’d expel him if he were still home.

The militia could shoot him on sight. Neighbors would be expected to report his presence. As of that morning, anyone above 6’6″ feet was considered a 4T security risk – Too Tall To Trust.




For Crispina’s Crimson’s Creative Challenge



25 thoughts on “4T

  1. This made me think of my sister’s neighbour, who stands at 6’7″ and cannot fit on some rides at our amusement park as he is too tall and can’t be strapped in properly!

    What a sad state of affairs when one is too tall to be accepted in one’s own hometown!

    Liked by 1 person

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